Case Study: I Spent $56,000 Split Testing My Human-Made Ads Against An A.I.'s Ads To See Which Converted Better. The A.I. Ads Generated 411 MORE sales.

My friend spent months meticulously perfecting a highly advanced A.I. Google ads generator (which is now available to the public at, and bet me it could write better Google ads than me - a professional copywriter. 
So I spent $56,000 split testing our ads to prove him wrong… Unfortunately my ads lost, and I’m now employing his $15/mo computer slave to write all of my Google ads for me. But this story does have a happy ending because now my campaigns are more profitable than they were before thanks to his “ad bot.”
Case Study: Comparing human vs A.I. ads for an anti-wrinkle skincare brand
For this case study I was already running ads for a well known company that sells a suite of skincare products, but specifically anti-wrinkle creams. My ads were doing relatively well and achieving what I thought was an admirable 1.5% conversion rate (or close to it) . I’ve been doing Google search ads for a while, so it was hard for me to believe my friend (who’s also a very talented internet marketer in his own right) could make an A.I. that spits out better ads than me.
He gave me early access to his project so I could make my ads for the campaign. And I have to admit, it was the fastest, easiest ad creation for my campaigns I’ve ever done
A quick side note, I HATE the part in Google ads where you have to enter in all of your headlines, descriptions, etc. I just want to have the ads made so I can focus on the optimizations of the campaigns. So having ads made within seconds was very nice.
Anyway, after seeing how quickly it spit out the headlines and descriptions for the campaign, I quickly realized this could be a huge time saver. But saving time aside, the ads were actually insanely impressive. I got a little annoyed because it generated headlines I’d wished I’d thought of first.
Here's what google ads builder looks like. Within seconds it will spit out high quality search ads.
I randomly put in "stainless steel water bottles" and got these amazing ads spit out 15 headlines and 5 descriptions, all of which were fantastic, considering all I did was select the kind of page I was marketing (a comparison page) and give it the product I was selling (wrinkle cream). It instantly gave me headlines like this:
Top 5 Wrinkle Creams 2024
Chosen By Dermatologists
#1 Way To Turn Back The Clock
See Our #1 Pick
And it gave me descriptions like this:
 We've done the research for you. Compare, review, and rank the best age-defying creams online.

Discover why buyers are snapping up these top-rated wrinkle creams fast. Don't miss out!
So I made ads using the headlines and descriptions from my friends website, and the results were shocking.
The Results: Nearly Doubles My Conversion Rate Adding An Additional 411 Sales
This one hurt my pride a little bit. I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty good copywriter. When I make my Google ads campaigns I’ll sit down for 30 minutes toiling over the best headlines and descriptions for my ads, to make them perfect. 
I always believed that there’s no replacement for “the human touch.” Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) my reality was shattered. It turns out that an A.I. prompt, meticulously written to perfection by my friend, was able to create better google ads than me within seconds.
I think about all the time I’ve wasted sitting in front of my screen writing ads that could have been written better in seconds, saving me hours (maybe days) of my life writing ads that it could write better.
Anyway, after a month of comparing ads for this skincare company, running two ads from me and two ads from, here are the results:
OutrankAds conversion rates: 2.41% & 1.98%
My conversion rates: 1.38% & 1.67%

The OutrankAds ad that received the most budget at scale was getting a whopping 2.41% conversion rate, which is over 1% increase in the conversion rate of my top spending ad. 
Now, that 1.03% may not seem that impressive, until you do the math. At the $31,490.60 ad spend of my biggest (human-written) ad, that 1.03% increase in conversion rate leads to an ADDITIONAL 411 SALES that wouldn’t exist over the same budget.
Pretty 👏 Fucking 👏 Amazing 👏
My Thoughts Going Forward
Am I a little annoyed that a robot beat me? Sure, my ego took a blow. But who cares. The real question is am I happy my buddy’s A.I. ad generator is netting me an EXTRA 411 sales I otherwise wouldn’t have, at the same budget as my human ads? HELL YES!
What my friend has accomplished at is nothing short of impressive. As an internet marketer himself, he poured over the data from his most successful campaigns, and used that data to create an A.I. that spits out ads using the formulas of top converting ads.
Bottom line: feels like cheating. 
The ads are better. They’ll beat your competition. The quality score will be higher. The conversion rate will be higher. You will make more money. The work has already been done for you. All you have to do is press a button and copy and paste the ads into your account.
Can’t I Just Make The Same Ads In Chat GPT?
This was my first thought too. In fact, funny story, I tried. I spent 5 hours in Chat GPT trying to replicate the results of Unfortunately I couldn’t. Like I said above, my friend has spent months perfecting his prompts, using thousands of data points from his most successful campaigns so you can replicate that success with the press of a button.
For $15/month Is It Really Worth It?
If you’re serious about being successful with Google ads, the answer to this question is a simple YES. Here’s why… uses the ChatGPT-4 API. Just to have access to Chat GPT-4 over at Open AI it will cost you $20/month. So already you’re saving $5/mo if you use OutrankAds to create your Google Ads.
If saving $5/mo isn’t enough, think about the time you’ll be saving. Think about everytime you sit down to write your Google ads. It’s annoying and takes time. You have to think about which headline to pin first, what keywords to add, what benefit to put in there, or how you want to write your descriptions… With OutrankAds you just copy and paste into your Google account and you’re done, and you can get on with your day.
If that’s not enough, imagine what a 1% (or more) bump in your conversion rate would do for your bottom line. Chances are OutrankAds will not only make you back the $15/mo from its better ads, but a lot more.
Finally, what would you pay to have a top converting Google advertiser make your ads for you? It would probably cost you thousands, and maybe even a rev share. But with OutrankAds you literally get the prompt of a top converting Google advertiser to generate your ads for you.
The real question is can you afford to NOT use a technology like
Conclusion - Those Who Use This Tech Before It Catches On Will Have A Significant Early Mover Advantage 
If you’re a Google advertiser and you think you can make better ads than a meticulously crafted A.I. who’s singular purpose is to beat your human ads in the auctions, all I can say is good luck to you. A.I. ads are here, and they’re winning. The only question you need to ask yourself is are you going to embrace this technology to win, increase your sales, and beat your competition, or are you going to let your competition use it first to take sales from you?
Anyone who signs-up to now will automatically be grandfathered into all future tools my friend makes, like a benefit builder, clickbait image maker, product review writer, etc… All of these are coming soon and will be priced in at higher tiers when they launch. But right now to get more users he’s letting anyone who signs up get grandfathered in at $15/mo to all future tools.
I hope you found this case study useful, and good luck in your endeavors! 

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